
Tips On How To Deal With Hangxiety From a Self-Aware Party Girl

There’s a name for that dreaded combo of anxiety and regret that smacks you in the face after a big night out: Hangxiety.

September 24, 2024

Last year was wild. I was out more nights than in, and it honestly felt like I was living for the weekend parties. No clue why (probably my inner rebel fighting the daily grind), but I do know exactly what it led to: hangxiety.

As my nights out got crazier, so did my drinking. I’ve always been a lightweight, but eventually, I needed more drinks just to feel tipsy—which, of course, meant way worse hangovers. And with those came my lovely new companion: anxiety on steroids.

If you’ve ever woken up not just with a killer headache and nausea but also cringe-level regret and a looming sense of doom, then yeah, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Hangxiety is real, and you’re not alone. The term sums up that emotional rollercoaster the day after a night of too many drinks. It’s the perfect blend of “hangover” and “anxiety.”

The formula’s simple: the more you drink, the worse the hangover. And guess what? Anxiety works the same way. A lot of us drink to loosen up, especially if we’re already feeling socially anxious. But as the booze wears off, anxiety loves to swoop in harder than ever.

The past year taught me a lot about dealing with hangxiety, and after some trial and error, I found a few methods that actually helped. So, here are my go-to tips for anyone battling the same.

Be Kind To Yourself

We’ve all had those post-party flashbacks where you obsess over something you said or did, kicking your hangxiety into high gear. But listen—this doesn’t have to own you. One trick I swear by? Put things into perspective. I promise, whatever you’re stressing about, everyone else is too busy worrying about their own mess to remember yours. Shrink it down. Would you judge your best friend for the same thing? If not, let it go.

Set Up a Go-To Hangover Routine

Since hangxiety is a tag team of hangover and anxiety, you gotta tackle both like a pro. We’ve all had those “I’m never drinking again” hangovers, but now it’s time to build your own rescue kit for those rough mornings. Find what works and stick to it. For me, it’s brushing my teeth right away, wiping off the remnants of last night’s makeup (even though I swore I took it off), taking a cold shower (total game changer for headaches), and eating whatever my stomach can handle. Oh, and staying hydrated is key. Pop a painkiller, hydrate, and get cozy. Your body will thank you.

Outsmart the Dopamine Drop

One of the worst parts of hangxiety? The crash. After a night of drinking, your feel-good hormones—dopamine and serotonin—take a nosedive. And trust me, your brain is begging for more. My go-to fix? Dive into your comfort zone. Light a candle, throw on your fave cozy show, and treat yourself to something comforting to eat. Pro tip: stay off social media for a bit. Your brain will thank you later.

Avoid Anxiety Triggers

On that note, avoid anything that could make your anxiety worse. Coffee and cigarettes? Hard pass. Opt for herbal tea or decaf if you need something warm. Stimulants will just send your anxiety through the roof.

Misery Loves Company

And finally, if all else fails, call up a friend to commiserate with you. Sometimes you just need someone who won’t judge you while you vent about your night (even if it’s the same story for the 10th time). And hey, you can tackle all the steps above together. It’s a lot easier to handle hangxiety when you’ve got someone in your corner.

*Di Chiara, G. (1997). Alcohol and dopamine. Alcohol health and research world, 21(2), 108–114.

Wonderflaw Hangxiety Kit