
Hydrating Masks Your Hair Will Thank You For

Because they are the key to making most days good hair days.

March 31, 2022

Think of your hair as a plant. It needs attention, it needs trimming, it needs water. When you routinely give those things to your hair, your hair will return the favor.

Whether it’s from extreme heat, wind, pools, cold, or coloring, our hair can take a lot. Like everything, our hair has a breaking point and it’s always a good idea to incorporate a hair mask into your routine. When your hair is on the verge of looking dehydrated, try one of our picks below for the ultimate lift. Truthfully, best if you don’t wait till you’re unhappy with your strands and make it a part of your routine. Depending on your hair type, you can start with once a week and observe the results; two to three times would be preferable if you have very dry or damaged hair, or in the summertime with all the humidity and days spent at the beach. While in the shower, apply the mask of your choice to your strands and let it soak as directed. Then rinse, shampoo and you’re good to go. If you have time and your hair needs extra time, slather the mask on your damp strands, wrap it up with a towel, heat it with a hairdryer, and let it sit longer.