An Obsession with Perfection, a Very Problematic Self Image, Big Love for Beauty and Other Things That Led to Wonderflaw
A letter from our founder, Valerie.
Text Valerie Dayan
Some flaws are great, some are less great, and there are others we want to change, but all in all, we believe our flaws are what make us individually different.
That is why we like to call them wonders, and that’s why we wanted to make up a whole new word. We hope that by changing the negative connotation of the word flaw, with the help of our content, we can start seeing our flaws as characteristics that add to our beauty rather than take away from it.
We will cover anything and everything within the worlds of beauty and wellness. These industries should exist to make us feel comfortable. We want to use our platform to highlight our differences and move toward an understanding and acceptance of our bodies and ourselves.
A letter from our founder, Valerie.
Text Valerie Dayan